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Tidy Towns Categories
Streetscape and Public Places

This category focusses on the streetscapes and public places that make up the identity of our village.

Areas of focus here include:

  • Public and Private buildings, including any derelict sites.

  • Public Realm and Street Furniture.

  • Signage.

  • Shopfronts.

  • Graveyards.

Nature & Biodiversity in your locality

​This category is all about how we understand, protect and
enhance nature and biodiversity in Milltownpass for the
enjoyment of the entire community.

Activities as part of this category can include:

  • Completion of our Community Biodiversity Action Plan.

  • Awareness events focused on nature.

  • Mapping habitats and species in our area.

Sustainability - Doing more with less

​A relatively new category to the Tidy Towns Competition, this category is concerned with how we try to minimise our use of all resources within the community to reduce our
environmental impact.

Activities here can include:

  • Supporting and developing a circular economy.​

  • Using recycled materials vs purchasing new.

  • Sharing tip and information to support community.

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